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A 20 Year Book Metamorphosis and Contest

publishing teaching kids Oct 26, 2017

About 25 years ago, I put together a book out of a need for my family and church. It was a team effort of Ralph Rittenhouse and myself. It became very popular and is still selling thousands of copies a year. 

But it didn't always look like it does now! In this video, I am displaying a few of the changes this book has been through in over 25 years' time. The first copyright was earlier than 1995!

Here is the fun part. I have left out the mention of 2 changes that were significant in the process. There may be more. 

If you find any changes that I did not mention, be the first to comment on them in the post below and I will send you a free  Plug into God's Power 26-Day Kid's Prayer journal and Books of the Bible bookmark. (Only one per family and you have to be the first to comment)

Thanks for listening and I hope you enjoy watching the transformation of this book! 

Laurie Donahue

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